Friday, February 29, 2008

Results for the recent IHC events are as follows...

One Earth Green Race (from 1st to 5th): BW, HH, BB, MR, MT

Japanese Chess (from 1st to 5th): HH, MT, BW, MR, BB

Congkak (from 1st to 5th): MT, BW, BB, HH, MR

Rangoli (from 1st to 5th): HH, BB, BW, MR, MT

As such, current house standings are as follows...

5th: MT - 26 points
4th: BB - 29 points
3rd: MR- 33 points
2nd: BW - 45 points
1st: HH - 48 points

Upcoming events:

Chess Day:

International chess



Chinese chess



Weiqi and gomoku


B21, B22

x Mingxue pwned at 10:47 PM
0 poked

Monday, February 25, 2008

By the way. forget to announce, HH got third for dramafeste. MR got the best play and best director, so they come in first. Their ensemble and use of theatrics is rather good so I have no complain for that.
BW got best script and best actress. Sarah Seah is really imba for acting as the little boy, so she deserved the title. BUT BUT BUT, I honestly think our script was better. I mean, it was such an intellectual, witty, and high in literature value piece. Compared to that BW's one is close to heart and touching if the type to be moved by it. But it was so channel 8 drama-ish and really from a literature person's point of view (i took lit in sec 3 and 4, haha), ours is better.
BUT anyway, everything about dramafeste is over by now. So what we can do now is to win more points for HH!!!!! so check out my previous post and sign up for events!!! JIAYOU!!!

x Mingxue pwned at 10:26 PM
0 poked

Dear J1s,
Cultural Day is taking place this coming Wednesday (27th Feb), and in view of the J2 GP CT1 on Friday, we really need you guys to particpate enthusiastically! The 3 events for Cultural Day are Malay Congkak, Indian Rangoli, and Japanese Chess. I will now explain each of the games in detail for the benefit of those who are unfamiliar with them.
Malay Congkak (Mancala)
Items and Setup: Congkak board and 98 small shells, seeds or stones. 7 seeds are placed in each hole except the stores, which remain empty.

Objective: The objective of the game is to capture more seeds than one's opponent.


Players take turns moving the seeds except in the first move which is performed simultaneously. On a turn, a player chooses one of the seven holes under their control. The player removes all seeds from this hole, and distributes them in each hole clockwise from this hole, in a process called sowing. Sowing skips an opponent's store, but does not skip a player's own store.

If the last seed falls into an occupied hole, all the seeds are removed from that hole, and are sown starting from that hole. The process continues until the last seed falls into a player's store, or an empty hole.

If the last seed sown falls into a player's own store, they immediately earn another turn, which can begin at any of the seven holes under their control.


If the last seed sown falls into an empty hole on the current player's side, then the player captures all the seeds in the hole directly across from this one, on the opponent's side. If the opposing hole is empty, no seeds are captured.

















Diagram of a congkak board at the start of the game

Each game will last for exactly 15 minutes. After which, players must end the game and start counting the number of beads in the store house.

Indian Rangoli

There wil be 2 teams of 4 per House. Each team is required to create a Rangoli piece (a form of sandpainting decoration that uses finely ground white powder and colours) from scratch (coloured rice will be provided) within 2 hours.

The format of the game will be a central judging, at the end of the competition. All the rangoli pieces will be judged by the following criteria:
- Creativity/Innovation
- Use of Colour
- Relevance to Theme
- Uniqueness and Overall Artistic Appeal
Japanese Chess (Shogi)
As the instructions to this game is rather lengthy, I will leave it out of this email (to avoid spamming). However, please do visit to get an overview of how the game is like. :)
The venues and times for the respective events are as follows:
Indian Rangoli
Time: 2-5pm
Venue: Amphitheatre

Malay Congkak
Time: 2.30-5.30pm
Venue: B21,22

Japanese Chess
Time: 3.30-7pm
Venue: Computer Lab 2
Enquiries and signups can be directed to me via email ( or SMS (96704572). Your active participation will be much appreciated! Let's all do our part to keep our House at the top of the table! :)

x Mingxue pwned at 10:21 PM
0 poked

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Hello Hadley-Hullettians! Hope you all had a good rest over the weekend. As you all know, the Aesthetics season for this year's IHC has already begun. Some of you have approached me regarding the details to each of the IHC events, so I have compiled the participation information (no. of participants etc.) for your reference and I would like to urge all of you on behalf of my House D to actively take part in the upcoming IHC events:

WRITER'S GUILD (4th Feb - 3rd Mar)
All houses are free to have as many entrants as they wish, and each entrant is free to submit as many entries as they wish. Participation points will be given to every entry submitted.
Students are freely allowed to enter poetry or short fiction, with the limit that all works of prose must be, at most, of 500 words in length. Prose and poetry will be judged separately. All works must be in English, and be entirely original.
Participants are to submit hard copies of their work to Mr. Wee (CCA teacher for Writer's Guild), by slotting them into a special box at the Teacher's Office, or to email soft copies of their work to
The winning entry in both prose and poetry will win 5 points for their House; the first runner up, 3 points, and the second runner up will win 2 points.

ONE EARTH GREEN RACE (Tuesday 26th Feb, 3pm - 5pm)
Each house will send 1 representative team consisting of 4 or 5 members.
The amazing race consists of 4 station games. Teams will score points according to how fast they complete the whole race and their performance for each station game.

CULTURE DAY (Wednesday, 27th Feb)

6 participants per house. If a house happens to have less than 6 participants, it will be a walkover for the opponent.
Each house can send in a maximum of 4 players. 1 participation point will be awarded to each participant.
Points gained by each player for each game will contribute to the total number of house points, and eventually used to determine the overall winning House.

CHESS DAY (Wednesday, 5th Mar)
Teams are not required. Each house to send a minimum of 4 players.
The individual who has the highest score from each house will determine the house's eventual position.
Each house can send a maximum of 4 teams comprising 4 players and 1 reserve each. 2 participation points will be awarded for each team of at least 4 players.
The team with the highest game points in each house will be used to determine the winning House.
Teams are not required. Each house to send a minimum of 4 players.
The individual who has the highest score from each house will determine the house's eventual position.
Details to be confirmed.

Signups for any of the IHC events can be directed to me via email at, or via SMS at 96704572. Please do participate actively so we can maintain our current lead. :)

x Mingxue pwned at 9:18 PM
0 poked

Monday, February 11, 2008

From our IHC IC

Heyy guys, hope you all had a good rest over the CNY weekend. As you all know, the Aesthetics season for this year's IHC has already begun. Some of the interested J1s have approached me regarding the details to each of the IHC events, so I have compiled the participation information (no. of participants etc.), and I would need your help to relay the following information to your OG-lings:

WRITER'S GUILD (4th Feb - 3rd Mar)

All houses are free to have as many entrants as they wish, and each entrant is free to submit as many entries as they wish.

Students are freely allowed to enter poetry or short fiction, with the limit that all works of prose must be, at most, of 500 words in length. Prose and poetry will be judged separately. All works must be in English, and be entirely original.

Participants are to submit hard copies of their work to Mr. Wee (CCA teacher for Writer's Guild), by slotting them into a special box at the Teacher's Office, or to email soft copies of their work to

The winning entry in both prose and poetry will win 5 points for their House; the first runner up, 3 points, and the second runner up will win 2 points.

BRIDGE (Thursday 21st Feb, 2pm - 6pm)

Participants are to pair up within their Houses and sign up in pairs.

No restrictions on the number of pairs each House wishes to send. Houses will get a bonus for each participating pair they have more than another House.

The scores from the pairs in each House will be added up to form the total House score, in order to determine which House wins.

Trophies will be awarded to the top 3 ranked pairs.

ONE EARTH GREEN RACE (Tuesday 26th Feb, 3pm - 5pm)

Each house will send 1 representative team consisting of 4 or 5 members.

The amazing race consists of 4 station games. Teams will score points according to how fast they complete the whole race and their performance for each station game.

CULTURE DAY (Wednesday, 27th Feb)


6 participants per house. If a house happens to have less than 6 participants, it will be a walkover for the opponent.


Each house can send in a maximum of 4 players. 1 participation point will be awarded to each participant.

Points gained by each player for each game will contribute to the total number of house points, and eventually used to determine the overall winning House.


Teams are not required. Each house to send a minimum of 4 players.

The individual who has the highest score from each house will determine the house's eventual position.

CHESS DAY (Wednesday, 5th Mar)


Teams are not required. Each house to send a minimum of 4 players.

The individual who has the highest score from each house will determine the house's eventual position.


Each house can send a maximum of 4 teams comprising 4 players and 1 reserve each. 2 participation points will be awarded for each team of at least 4 players.

The team with the highest game points in each house will be used to determine the winning House.


Details to be confirmed.

Signups for any of the IHC events can be directed to me via email at, or via SMS at 96704572. Please do encourage all your OG-lings to participate actively so we can maintain our current lead. :)

Thanks a lot guys! :)

x Mingxue pwned at 11:50 PM
0 poked

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Hi everyone,

Thanks for your enthusiasm in signing up for Blackbelts after House Meeting! It is great to have so many of you willing to serve the House.. The sign ups for Blackbelts close officially on Tuesday, 5th Feb..


If you have the passion to serve the House and didn't manage to sign up on Wednesday, or if you have changed your mind and wish to sign up now, please drop an email to, stating your name, class, contact number and committee that you want to join (welfare, publicity or IHC)..

Yup, thanks so much once again and we hope to see YOU step up and serve the House..

Hadley-Hullett House Directorate

PS. Have a great Chinese New Year and a well deserved break!

x Mingxue pwned at 9:40 AM
0 poked

T'eam Rocket

RJC J1 OG Hadley-Hullet 08
Fang Ting
Qian Wei
Si Jing
Wu Yang
Ying Jie
Yu Zhun
Tianzhi (OGL)
Mingxue (OGL)
Yuan Lu (OGL)




January 2008
February 2008


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